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Those That Work - Those That Play 

Those That Create


The Raggedy Man Manifesto

1. We are a group dedicated to the production and exhibition of various artistic endeavors regardless of medium. We are not Dada-ist, impressionist or Avant-Guarde.  We are the Raggedy Man Press


2. We seek to enable the publishing, production and exhibition of its own artists whilst seeking the critical dialogue and involvement of other like-minded artists, enthusiasts, institutions, and commentators.


3. We advocate the pursuit of fulfillment and happiness through creativity rather than a stagnation of the mind, body and soul, synonymous with that most awful of afflictions the dreaded day job, followed by prolonged exposure to reality Television and soap operas. The dreaded day job should not be seen as something one must attend to provide money to drown the sorrows of the routine of the week, but as a means by which we can finance our passion for creativity.


4. We strongly uphold the belief that in order to be happy, you need to remember what it was that brought you simple joy as a child. In order for something to have value, it needs to have value to you before it is seen as valuable by others. In order to have value to you, you need to follow your heart. This is what we encourage, following your heart.


5. We do not advocate the production of “art” solely as a means for commercial gain. We are not professionals as we have all the requirement of having a dreaded day job. We celebrate the glorious amateur as the amateur will do something for the love of doing it. It is however, not by any means against the morals held dear by us for any one of our artists to profit through the sale of what they create. Merely that fiscal gain is not the driving motive. If you can make money, by doing something you love, then why bloody not.


6. Our definition of “Art” is the production of something tangible which evokes an emotional response from the artist, author, viewer, or listener. Art is the expression of the individual, a means of exploring feeling, emotion, hopes and fears, inadequacies, limitations and is when it is most pure, a cathartic experience.


7. What is conveyed through Art by the artist may be in steep contrast to the experience of the viewer or listener. The great thing about art is that it divides opinion, ignites intelligent discussion and more often than not heated debate. However, the artist must believe in their creation and not try to be wanky, pretentious or too clever, for the sake of impressing idiots. (Addendum: unless it be satire).


8. The endeavour is not to aspire to win critical acclaim, awards, fame or any form of decorated recognition. It is also not to win a place in sanitary and pretentious exhibition spaces or institutions. If such institutions wish to court us as artists, then that is fine, however, we will not pander to them. If they like what we do, they take us on OUR terms and in OUR own good time.


9. We don’t put any faith in recognised artistic qualifications. We do not care if you attended an art school or the Brit School or have a degree in creative writing. Talent and passion is not measured in GCSE’s, A Levels or Batchelorates in Art. If you dare to do it, love to do it and have continued to do it even when people have spat in your face and have told you that what you have done is the worst thing they have ever seen then you are welcome.


10. We ask that you pick up an instrument and make noise that makes you happy. Make a mess with paints till you smile like a naughty five year old that’s just been caught writing on your parent’s wall. Cut up rags and bits of fluff, sew them together and turn them into something new. Get drunk and pour your heart out through your pen into poem, lyric or song. It need not be original because nothing is original. Everything is borrowed, so simply be authentic. There is more integrity in authenticity than trying to pass off something as original.


Raggedy Man Press is a non-profit organization that relies on the voluntary work of its members. There are no fees; the only pre-requisite of membership is the shared ideals outlined in the above manifesto. The Raggedy Man Press provides a public service engaged in the production of Art, Craft, and the Disruptive Betterment of Stagnant culture.

© 2023 Created by the naughty little usuals at the Raggedy Man Press

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